Friday, December 16, 2016

DUI Lawyer: Benefits And Possibilities

Driving your car around right after you drunk alcohol is a very bad idea indeed. However, you are not only putting your own life in danger, but posing an actual threat to people around you. To other drivers, their passengers, even the pedestrians. Still, sadly, too many people make that mistake and in some cases it results in tragedies.

With that said, it is no wonder that the law enforcement authorities are unforgiving when it comes to Los Angeles DUI offenses. The legal penalties are become harsher every year and the LAPD is doing their best to apprehend the DUI offenders.

Hence, the legal consequences of driving under the influence are genuinely severe. First of all, we are talking about a real possibility of losing your driver’s license. The arresting officer will take it from you right on the spot. Of course, you will be given a temporary permit that will allow you to drive the vehicle for 30 more days, but if you want to keep the license, you will need to initiate an administrative DMV hearing within 10 days after the arrest.

In addition, if you are going to be found guilty, you will end up paying a fortune in fines and court fees. Furthermore, you may be sentenced to community service and you will need to perform community service. You may be required to attend DUI awareness classes and you will have to pay for it yourself. Moreover, you will need to buy a new insurance – the SR 22 type that is specifically designed for high risk drivers. This type of insurance will cost you nearly three times as much as the usual one. Do not forget that you may also be sentenced jail time, depending on the circumstances of the crime.

One way or the other, if you or your loved ones were charged with DUI, it is very important not to lose any time and to get in touch with a qualified as well as genuinely experienced Los Angeles DUI lawyer at the earliest opportunity.

After all, only a skillful as well as knowledgeable Los Angeles DUI lawyer will have the skills and the expertise to help you. We, at Eisner Gorin LLP, will assess all the available evidence in order to determine if the police had reasons to pull you over in the first place. If there was no such reason, the case might be turned in your favor. Furthermore, the lawyer is going to check police reports, witness statements as well as test results in order to find any inconsistencies. Should he or she find one, it will be possible to put the whole case under question and this could really prove to be your only viable solution. Therefore, if you were charged with DUI in Los Angeles and you do not know what to do, call our professional Los Angeles DUI attorney at (877) 781-1570 to request free face-to-face consultation.